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Human Design

As humans, we find the discovery of our own identity fascinating.  We are so complex and often unpredictable that we turn to systems like astrology, Enneagram, and Myers-Briggs for clarity.  We use these systems to understand not only who we are but also our life's purpose, our direction. They support us in functioning to our best ability and can also help us move through the confusion.  


Essentially this means living life as our most authentic self.  The Human Design system helps us understand what sets us apart from others by way of increased clarity on our everyday decisions.  All of this is based on our Human Design chart which is established at the time we are born.


Human Design (HD) is one of these systems and it differentiates itself by its focus on who we came here to be ~ who we were born to be!!  It is a system of self-discovery and personal growth that combines elements of astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah, the Hindu-Brahmin chakra system, and quantum physics.


It was developed in the 1980s by Robert Allan Krakower who went by the name Ra Uru Hu and is based on the idea that each person has a unique energetic blueprint or "design" that can be decoded using our own individual birth data ~ which includes day, month, year, time and place of birth.

Get your free Human Design chart (fill in the details below).


Book for a 1 hour HD Chart Analysis, here

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